I've just run a 9 km race here in my town. Today the weather has been sunny and perfect for running. The race started at 7 pm, and there were about 220 runners. Today four races have been held in Rome and its surroundings.
I crossed the finish line after 41 minutes, and my average pace was 4:40 min/k.
Unfortunately, I am not adequately trained at the moment, and I am aware that I would get injuried if I had run faster than 4:40 min./k. Moreover, I haven't been running a race since January 4th.
Meanwhile, I have already changed the food because weather is going to be warmer. The main part of the meal consists of fruits and veggies, such as lettuce, asparagus and white cabbage finely sliced. They will be on the table in the next weeks.
Nice week to all my blogger friends!
9k is an unusual distance for a race. I think I'd like it because I've often wished that I was already finished in the last kilometre of a 10k race.
Sei andato bene considerata lo stato influenzale. Comunque siamo alle solite: dichiarano una distanza sbagliata, non bloccano il traffico e nessuno controlla i pedoni che attraversano mentre passano i corridori. Di Vigili Urbani ne ho visto solo uno. Poi però basta una mezza cerimonia alla quale nessuno più crede e si mette in moto la macchina organizzativa vietando addirittura i parcheggi nelle zone limitrofe!!!!!!
I think you still had a great finish time.
We are still waiting for warmer weather here, today it's around 17C but next Friday they predict 30C and then again cooler. I don't like such huge switches in temperatures, I can't get used to the warm weather that way. I prefer around 20 to 25 degrees all Summer long :)
Love, love, love this time of year for all the fresh fruit and veg!
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