Ravello is located at more than 300 Kilometres South from Rome, and it's a very relaxing place. We stayed in a nice hotel located next to the car parking and the main town's square and landmarks. The room was comfortable enough, and its window offered us a wonderful scenery. You can see it here below: absolutely stunning! We also enjoyed the same landscape while we were having breakfast.

Have you never eaten such a big lemon as you can see in the two pictures above? We found those big lemons there. We also saw narrow staircases through the old town (picture on the right), That's why I didn't try to wear my running shoes while I was enjoying Ravello's environs :) ... All the running paths were up-hill and down-hill.
Here on the left you can see two of the Ravello's ceramic street plates. They give the possibility to reach other villages simply following the steps.
Tomorrow I will be back running. Nice runs to everyone!