Thursday, February 26, 2015

Black chickpeas

In my last post I mentioned the place where I've been working  since Monday. I will be there until Friday 27th. I'd like to show two dishes which I have had there. The first may be perfect as pre-race food (carbohydrates). It's spaghetti with artichoke.

The second one may be good after a training session (proteins). It's black chickpeas supper. Really tasty! I would have never thought about black chickpeas. I have heard about black beans (from South America) or black lentils (from India) but not of  black chickpeas.
Have nice runs!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Changing my routes

In terms of running, I have lost my sense of purpose. I mean that I haven't plan to run any race in March, although I'm still running almost three times a week. And changing my routes is a thing that I've beared in mind: a fast run (or 45 min. tempo run), a long run (1 hour and 15 mins.) and a repeats session (including the warm up) every week. Maybe, I'll run a race in Summer.
Running helps us finding inner peace and good mental health, but we should run only when we really want. So I did'n run this afternoon as the weather was cold and I was mentally tired enough after I had finished working. On the other hand, the place, where I went this morning for job, was really interesting, as you can see in the picture. All the old small houses, which you see in the picture above, are located in a pedestrian area without cars and motorcycles. Wonderful! There isn't any noise there. And pollution level is very low. people don't go biking through the village because streets are up-hill ... and I didn't see any donkey or horse. Tomorrow, I will be there once again. 

Happy running to all the members of our blogging community!

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Physical exercise

I've just finished reading posts of our blogging community, and I've noticed that most blogger friends are still running, in spite of cold wind and snow.That's really a good thing! Since February 1st I have run twice along my favourite track close to the seacoast, where I can enjoy the smell of sea salt in the air. Wind and waves kick up spray, and bits of sodium chloride can permeate the air while I am running.

The palm trees in the sidewalk area close to the seacoast 
I noticed that since January motivation is increasing slightly, that's why I'd like to say just a note to focus on one of the most important fenefit of running. We always see a relationship between running and phisical benefits, such as lower blood pressure,  healthier heart or a more attractive physique. But running magazines have recently suggested that there is another benefit of regular walking/running: exercise enables us to soak in more information. Our lifestyle is related to the way we think.  
Some friends of mine say they don't have time for an activity. But I think they don't consider it a priority. In my opinion, there are two ways to relate the time we have available and physical exercise:
  • first, becoming part of a group (running, walking, dancing, etc.); 
  • second, reframing physical activity as part of our job.
Happy running/walking to everyone!