Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The mercenary runners

This morning three black knights have gone to conquer Tarquinia, 11.6 kilometres running very angry (like young camels). Everybody knows that the members of the Italian legion have become mercenary runners. of consequence Sir Stefano has led the black runners to catch the loot. he will post the picture ( 3 bottles of white wine, pasta and 4 nice glass cups) and the race report.
I couldn't eat pizza yesterday but after the ordeal I've had a South Italian Easter cake which is well balanced (carbohydrates and proteins). The name is "pastiera" and it holds a lot of Mediterranean tastes: citron, orange, cottage cheese, wheat and vanilla. My sister has cooked the cake last week and she has sent it from Naples. You can see the Easter cake in the image: the Easter day and during the spring we always eat this old traditional cake. It will give fuel for the next battle: we're planning to run in Rome next week.


Jessica said...

Looks delicious!

Black Knight said...

The Black Knight Army, italian, legion, put the black flag on the ruins of Tarquinia! Long live to the glorious Army.

Thomas said...

Mmmmmmmhhhh. Looks nice!
I'll have to chase up the recipe if it's really such a good combination of carbs and protein.

Giorgio said...

to Thomas: I'll post the recipe on my blog when I find it.