Deep fried artichokes |
Since I gave up running races in July 2017, I have been more focused on unhealthy food, as I have been afraid my cholesterol levels may increase.For instance, I used to have croissants at breakfast, as I didn't take seriously the danger related to margarine, which is made with hidrogenated vegetable oils and is more innatural than we think. Margarine and fats, which can damage our hearth, blood vessels, and mess up cholesterol levels, are crucial ingredients in all bakery and patisserie recipes. Some oil are GMO. For healthy alternative, we can opt for olive oil.
With regards to oil, all deep fried food contains a dangerous substance called "acrylamide", that some studies have linked to cancer and neurological damage. Hot dogs and similar smoked and salted meat contain lots of preservatives. In addition, they are high in sodium ... too much sodium in the bloodstream can cause dangerous effects.
We can also find sodium in deli meats, such as ham and salami.That food is also full of nitrates, preservatives and additives.
Carbonate drink and soda are our worst enemies: we could add our homemade fruit juice to some sparkly water. Not to mention sugar, which is highly adictive. It also create fat. I like to add honey to my recipe.
However, this post is not intended to be an exhaustive list of unhealthy food. It's just a snapshot. For instance, I haven't mentioned aspartame, alcohol, and other substances which are contained in other unhealthy food.
The two picture above show ham and salami (picture on the left), and chantilly custard (picture on the right).