Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Fruit, vegetables and water

Since the 1st week of May I've been reading some good posts  about the importance of fruit, vegetables and water.  Blogging writers have focused their  posts of the fact that we, runners and walkers who live in the Northern emisphere, are headed into the warmer months. This reminds me the importance of rehydration. I always put into my body more than 2 bottles of water a day and I drink three cups of water before breakfast. There is always a small bottle of water in my handbag (not sparkling water). I try to do the same in Winter too.  Other bloggers talk about food: the more the fruit and vegetables, the less the risk of heart disease. We would have to teach good behaviour rules about food and drink ... our children are watching us.

The picture above shows the starting line of the race for the cure which I ran on Sunday May 18th. Fantastic! I didn't run too fast because I decided to enjoy the atmoshpere and the landmarks along the track. A fantastic race for a great social cause!
Nice week to all my blogger friends!