Today, December, 8th, it is public holiday here in Italy, as we celebrate the feast of the blessed virgin Mary. It is celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church as well as a few other closely related Chistian churches. The weather here in Central Italy shows that Autumn is going to an end: this week, on Wednesday, 5th, I went to Umbria for job and the main part of the freeway was covered with icy snow. Really dangerous, as you can see in photo above. The weather changed gradually as we drove west, across the valleys, where there wasn't any snow and we could still enjoy an autumnal scenery as you can see below. that photo shows a very quiet place located 80 km north from Rome, where we could hear birds singing. It is the Canale Monterano protected area.
It's a beautiful valley without rubbish, advertising billboards, supermarkets and McDonalds. There are very few cars. Sometimes there is only one: yours! That place offers beautiful scenery, fascinating archaeology and, first of all, wonderful paths to run.
In the meanwhile, I am running three times a week and I haven't planned any race. I'll probably run the Christmas race on December, 16th, which will be held to help charities.
Nice weekend and happy running to all my blogger friends!