A thousand of runners enjoyed this morning the Ladispoli's 10 km race in support of Ucraina's children of Chernobyl. In a nice and sunny Sunday we ran this beautiful race through the natural reserve of Palo Laziale ( http://www.agri-net.org/parco_en.asp?idparco=84 ) where the track wasn't hard. Before we crossed the finish line we had run the last 2 km next to the see. Unfortunately Stefano didn't run because he was hill but I tryed to defend the Black Knight team: time taken 44 min. 52 sec., but there weren't up hills and down hills. :)

As request by Alexandra I posted some photos below.
In the third photo you can see the soft path of the natural reserve above mentioned, which is an environment with the last surviving patches of tyrrhenian plains forest. There are numerous nesting and migratory birds too.
That is why I like running.
That is why I like running.