It's nice to run with no reason and just because you love it. Running makes me feel good and I always try to run with other runners as a team. I like sharing my runs and running paths with the beautiful blogging community. Thanks in advance for visiting my blogs and leaving comments.
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Rainy weekend
On a rainy Saturday I went for a 30 minutes walk in spite of the fine drops.
I enjoyed taking pictures of this "wet" morning, and after the drizzle had stopped a rainbow appeared over to town.
Hi Giorgio! Rainbow wonderful!!! I confess that I haven’t seen yet this year... I had a cold Saturday, but today it was wonderfully warm and sunny!!! Unfortunately, the rain is supposed to fall tomorrow :(
Здравствуйте, Джорджио! У природы нет плохой погоды. Мне очень понравились ваши фото, особенно с радугой над городом. У нас холодная весна, ещё не везде растаял снег.
Olá Giorgio, Belas as imagens; Obrigada pela visita lá na casa, todo o dia primeiro 1 do mês, tenho postagens novas; Aguardo sua visita; Continuação de uma boa semana. janicce
Hi Giorgio, Beautiful images; Thank you for visiting the house all day first 1 of the month, I have new posts; I await your visit; Continuation of a good week. janicce
Creo que lo mejor que hiciste es tomar esta lindas fotografías, y que se agradece que las compartas, ya que el tiempo como se aprecia en las misma,no estaba ni para pasear en bicicletas ni para navegar... Un cordial saludo.
Very beautiful rainbow. In my city it's raining and rainbows still haven't appeared. Even though it was cloudy and drizzling, it was only for a short time.
Giorgio, preciosas fotografías, antes salía todas las mañanas andar en Bici, lo tuve que dejar por el trabajo, bellísimo post. ese arco iris fue el premio por tu salida con lluvia. Abrazos y besos amigo
Hello Blog Administrator, I just want to leave this message here on your blog to let anyone know about a financial support Mr Pedro offers me during the time of covid-19 because that time was really a bad and hard time for me after country lockdown I almost lost my business before Pedro Jerome a loan officer who helped me with a loan at the rate of 2% in return to finance my business I'm so grateful and showing gratitude to his support will testify how grateful I'm to his service and his working team as well after visiting their office at my location then I knew he was a good man with a grate heart. I would like anyone here going through financial conditions to contact Mr Pedro Jerome on his Email and WhatsApp: +393510140339 he will help you with any type of loans, home loan, car loan, construction loan, business loans, personal loan, as long as you are honest enough to make a return.
Wow, the blue color on the bike wheels looks amazing! The rainbow pictures are also incredibly beautiful. The sky can be truly extraordinary. I just followed your blog - if you’d like, feel free to check out mine too :)
What a lovely description of your rainy Saturday walk! It sounds like a peaceful and refreshing experience, especially with the rainbow making an appearance. I agree, there’s something special about taking photos during moments like that. Hopefully, your weekend ahead is filled with sunshine and good vibes!
Hi, wishing you a great Wednesday: I just shared a new post:
Querido amigo, me despedí del blog, no de mis amigos. La amistad es una lluvia de estrellas en el cielo de la vida. La amistad no es una cuestión de proximidad, sino de corazón. Gracias por formar parte de mi círculo de amigos. Los quiero y no los olvido. GRACIAS. Abrazos y les dejo besitos, bendiciones. sean felices.
Querido amigo Que este día esté lleno de amor, risas y momentos inolvidables Que tengas un día lleno de energía y motivación para hacer todo lo que te propongas Que este nuevo día sea el comienzo de grandes cosas en tu vida que la felicidad sea tu destino y la sonrisa tu mejor compañía
Abrazos y te dejo besitos, bendiciones. se feliz querido amigo. *♥♫♥**♥♫♥**♥♫♥*--*♥♫♥**♥*
Hi Giorgio! We had snow again yesterday! It's cold today, the snow doesn't melt. rainbows without rain!
To Irina:
I hope it is the last snow of this winter.
Have nice Sunday, Irina.
You are right: raimbow is the beautiful side of the rain ... just a joke :-) On the contrary, this year we need rain Italy.
bellissimo arcobaleno,anche qui oggi pomeriggio,
Ciao, Olga! Ti auguro buona domenica.
Beautiful walk along the coast
Lindo paseo a pesar de la lluvia. Me gusto el arcoíris te mando un beso.
Hi Giorgio! Rainbow wonderful!!! I confess that I haven’t seen yet this year... I had a cold Saturday, but today it was wonderfully warm and sunny!!! Unfortunately, the rain is supposed to fall tomorrow :(
Spring is a raining season in our areas...
great shots of beautiful rainbow
Здравствуйте, Джорджио! У природы нет плохой погоды. Мне очень понравились ваши фото, особенно с радугой над городом. У нас холодная весна, ещё не везде растаял снег.
I enjoyed seeing the photos of your walk, Giorgio.
I especially loved the rainbow shots.
A little rain should never be a deterrent to taking a walk.
Olá Giorgio,
Belas as imagens;
Obrigada pela visita lá na casa, todo o dia
primeiro 1 do mês, tenho postagens novas;
Aguardo sua visita;
Continuação de uma boa semana.
Hi Giorgio,
Beautiful images;
Thank you for visiting the house all day
first 1 of the month, I have new posts;
I await your visit;
Continuation of a good week.
We've been having a mix of sunshine and showers ...
That is a nice rainbow.
All the best Jan
What a nice rainbow, thanks for your sharing...
bikes are very nice.. well done :)
Giorgiom I send my condolences to the Italians!!!
Silvio Berlusconi may he rest in peace!
This was a few of very good photographys of the city.
Hello, Thank You for your articles. BTW Greetings fellow bloggers from Indonesia i want be your friend :)
Looks like a satisfying walk 😀
Saliste con lluvia a pasear y quiso regalarte un arco iris, preciosas fotografias
Un abrazo
Creo que lo mejor que hiciste es tomar esta lindas fotografías, y que se agradece que las compartas, ya que el tiempo como se aprecia en las misma,no estaba ni para pasear en bicicletas ni para navegar...
Un cordial saludo.
Very beautiful rainbow. In my city it's raining and rainbows still haven't appeared. Even though it was cloudy and drizzling, it was only for a short time.
Apesar da chuva a natureza esmerou-se proporcionando a beleza do arco-íris.
Abraço amigo.
Juvenal Nunes
Καλημέρα απο Χανιά Γιώργο, σήμερα επέστρεψα στην πόλη που ζω από ταξίδι
έλειψα απ την μπλογκόσφαιρα γιατί ήμουν σε διακοπές
Η νέα διεύθυνση του blog Γιώργο είναι αυτη:
ΥΓ. Οι φωτογραφίες σου είναι υπέροχες!!!
Precioso arco iris finalizando la lluvia, ¡que preciosa es la naturaleza, las fotografías preciosas
Un abrazo
Muy buen paseo :D
Amazing pictures .. very beautiful :-)
Fine Art and You
Una maravilla, tus presentaciones,
todas te quedaron bellas.
Besitos dulces
Giorgio, preciosas fotografías, antes salía todas las mañanas andar en Bici, lo tuve que dejar por el trabajo, bellísimo post. ese arco iris fue el premio por tu salida con lluvia.
Abrazos y besos amigo
Lovely pictures. Especially the rainbow
Giorgio, gracias por visitar mi blog, que tengas un precioso día.
Abrazos y te dejo un besito
Giorgio, gracias por tu visita, te dejo un 💋
La lluvia ha cesado y ha dado paso a un espectacuar arcoiris.Las fotos son preciosas, pero la que más me gusta es la del arcoiris.
Love the images, beautiful marina and the rainbow. Thanks for your sharing. Its been sunny days here,
Hello Blog Administrator,
I just want to leave this message here on your blog to let anyone know about a financial support Mr Pedro offers me during the time of covid-19 because that time was really a bad and hard time for me after country lockdown I almost lost my business before Pedro Jerome a loan officer who helped me with a loan at the rate of 2% in return to finance my business I'm so grateful and showing gratitude to his support will testify how grateful I'm to his service and his working team as well after visiting their office at my location then I knew he was a good man with a grate heart.
I would like anyone here going through financial conditions to contact Mr Pedro Jerome on his Email and WhatsApp: +393510140339 he will help you with any type of loans, home loan, car loan, construction loan, business loans, personal loan, as long as you are honest enough to make a return.
Querido amigo, gracias por visitar mi blog, acá para el fin de semana tenemos lluvias.
Que tengas un precioso día.
Abrazos y te dejo un beso
These are lovely photographs. I especially loved the ones with the rainbow.
Oh very cute photos darling
Lovely rainbow
Querido amigo, que tengas un precioso día, bendiciones
Abrazos y te dejo un beso
OT letto il tuo commento sul blog di Daniele. Lasciata risposta
What a lovely walk, I can imagine myself spending time at the coast. Beautiful pictures and rainbow. Nice Post! Have a great day!
Querido amigo, te deseo un feliz día, abrazos y te dejo un beso
You truly found beauty in the midst of the raindrops. I love the rainbow.
These pictures are so beautiful. Lovely coast. Have a great day!
Gracias querido Giorgio por tu visita, que tengas un feliz día.
Abrazos y te dejo un besito
Always love a good rainbow. Your weather looks similar to our Spring weather right now.
Querido Giorgio, te deseo que pases un hermoso fin de semana, lleno de amor y felicidad.
Abrazos y te dejo un besito
Deve essere un luogo fantastico per le passeggiate,anche in altre stagioni! Auguri per il suo blog, colgo l'occasione di invitarla nel mio gruppo: Grazie, l'aspetto con piacere, buona serata
Querido amigo, te deseo de todo corazón
(¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸.•´¸.•*´¨)(¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸.•´¸.•*´¨)
...........||...... ...
¡*Amor, Paz, Felicidad*!
Abrazos y te dejo un besito, se Feliz
(¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸.•´¸.•*´¨)(¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸.•´¸.•*´¨)
Good for you Giorgio! You were rewarded with wonderful photographs. Thank you for sharing them Aloha
Lovely clicks
Querido amigo, paso a saludarte y desearte un feliz fin de semana.
Abrazos y te dejo un besito
Wow, the blue color on the bike wheels looks amazing! The rainbow pictures are also incredibly beautiful. The sky can be truly extraordinary. I just followed your blog - if you’d like, feel free to check out mine too :)
What a lovely description of your rainy Saturday walk! It sounds like a peaceful and refreshing experience, especially with the rainbow making an appearance. I agree, there’s something special about taking photos during moments like that. Hopefully, your weekend ahead is filled with sunshine and good vibes!
Hi, wishing you a great Wednesday: I just shared a new post:
Querido amigo, paso a dejarte un saludito y desearte Feliz mes de Marzo, se feliz. Gracias
♥️Abrazos y te dejo besitos♥️
É pena estar à tanto tempo sem dar sinal de vida.
Abraço amigo.
Juvenal Nunes
Bellissime fotografie, ottimo ricordo di una passeggiata piacevole.
Un caro saluto
Querido amigo, me despedí del blog, no de mis amigos.
La amistad es una lluvia de estrellas en el cielo de la vida.
La amistad no es una cuestión de proximidad, sino de corazón.
Gracias por formar parte de mi círculo de amigos.
Los quiero y no los olvido. GRACIAS.
Abrazos y les dejo besitos, bendiciones. sean felices.
Querido amigo
Que este día esté lleno de amor, risas y momentos inolvidables
Que tengas un día lleno de energía y motivación para hacer todo lo que te propongas
Que este nuevo día sea el comienzo de grandes cosas en tu vida
que la felicidad sea tu destino y la sonrisa tu mejor compañía
Abrazos y te dejo besitos, bendiciones. se feliz querido amigo.
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